Frequently Asked Questions
Curious about our program? Take a look at our comprehensive list of frequently asked questions by our buyers.
What sizes & colors do you offer?
F1 Standard Bernedoodles
55-80 pounds
Multigen mini/medium Bernedoodles​
35-50 pounds​
Black tri-colored and merle tri
F1b medium/standard Bernedoodles​
45-60 pounds​
Merle, Chocolate and Tri colored
Do you have a waitlist?
Yes, we do! When you submit a reservation fee you will be put on a waitlist for the desired litter.
Do you post your waitlist?
We don’t post our list anywhere as it doesn’t give an accurate representation of where you are on the list. Sometimes we have families that decide they want to wait a little longer, when this happens the list shifts. Other times we have families that pay their deposit because they’re waiting for a certain litter. We also have no way of predicting the amount of puppies that will be born into each litter, so even if you were to see the list it wouldn’t give you an accurate idea of how long the wait will be. Because of this we’ve chosen not to make our list public. You are more than welcome to email us and ask us where you MAY fall on the list before placing your reservation fee. We would be more than happy to discuss the wait list of your choosing with you.
How does your waitlist work?
We have an individual wait list for our F1, F1b and Multigen Bernedoodle puppies.
The first two spots will remain open on every waitlist. If we are not holding back a puppy or puppies from a litter we will open up those spots to families with service/therapy/ES/facility dog applications, or families that want a specific sex or color of puppy. These spots are all $2000 more than pet price. I will only be taking waitlist reservation fees for spots 3-6 prior to the litter being born. These spots are for families that want a loveable puppy and aren't set on color and/or sex. These spots will be the normal pet price of $4,000.
How much is the reservation fee?
The $400 reservation fee is non-refundable. If you decide you would like one of the top 2 spots on our lists that reservation fee is $500. Both fees go towards the purchase price of your puppy.
I reserved my puppy but I'm not ready yet, what do I do?
You are able to defer your spot on our waitlist. However, this must be done within 48 hours of receiving the email that welcomes the litter you are on the waitlist for. If this is not done you will lose your reservation fee. Your reservation fee is good for 3 deferments. After that you will lose your reservation fee and will have to place another reservation fee to get on a list.
When can I select my puppy?
You are welcome to select your puppy starting at three weeks old. Because I spend so much time with my puppies if I feel that a certain puppies temperament is better suited for you and your families needs I will be sure to let you know. It is very important that we keep an open line of communication during the puppy selection process so that I am able to help your family find exactly the right puppy!
What is the current wait time for a puppy?
Current wait time for a puppy is approximately 6-12 months.
Can I reserve a puppy without being on a waitlist?
If you choose to be on a waitlist and there are no puppies currently available, you can pay a reservation fee to hold your place in line for an upcoming litter.
How does the reservation fee work?
The reservation fee will hold your place in line for order of pick - non refundable - $400 is due for spots 3-6. $500 will be due for spots 1-2.
Do you guarantee color?
There is no guarantee that I will have a specific color in a specific sex of puppy. If this is the case your deposit can roll over to another litter. Because we are a small breeder, I may not have another litter right away.
Can you guarantee, we will get a puppy from a specific scheduled litter?
I can’t guarantee heat cycles or successful pregnancies. I want a healthy successful pregnancy just as much as you do however, nature doesn’t always allow this. For that reason, reservation fees are non-refundable but, can be rolled over to another litter. I can guarantee you will get a puppy. I just can’t guarantee timing.​
Do you deworm your puppies?
All of our puppies are de-wormed on a strict schedule.​
Do your puppies come with vaccines or health certificates?
Yes! Your puppy will have all the necessary vaccines and a health certificate by the time he/she goes home with you.
Will we get photos and videos of our puppy as they grow up?
Yes! I will send photos and/or videos of your puppy while they are growing up so, you can enjoy watching him/her grow.
I can't pick up my puppy, what are my options?
If you live a far distance and can not drive to pick your puppy we can discuss ground transport, flights (cargo - this is my last resort option) and a flight nanny transport (under certain circumstances I will fly your puppy to you). I have numerous reputable people that I would recommend for delivering your puppy to you by ground or air. The cost of grounds is usually around $350. The cost for a flight is usually $450 (this is subject to change and is not an exact estimate). I would need to get a quote for air and ground to be exact on the price.
What do you feed your puppies?
I feed all of my puppies PawTree food. Order your food using this link: www.pawtree.com/bubblingspringsdoodles
*Disclaimer: I do earn a small commission if you purchase an item or product using the link provided.
Will our puppy be crate trained?
All puppies will be started on crate training. It is up to you and your family to build on the foundation we started. Puppies will not be perfect and can have accidents. It is best to be patient and consistent with further crate training.
Will our puppy be microchipped?
No. We let the owners decide if they want their puppy microchipped. If so, microchipping is available for an extra $45.00. You can then register the microchips through AKC Reunite for an additional charge. Please let me know if you would like this option.
What is the total cost of a puppy?
All Bernedoodles are $4,000. I do not charge extra for a certain sex or color.
When is final payment due?
Final Payment (plus sales tax) - is due at pick up unless your puppy is being transported via ground transport then the final amount, plus sales tax and transport cost is due no later than 7 days before your puppy is scheduled to leave our premises.
There is also a 6% PA sales tax that is added to the final cost.
How do I pay the reservation fee?
You can pay the non-refundable reservation fee via Venmo. Our Venmo name is bubbsprings. Please put "Reservation" only in the comment section. (Spots 1-2 requires a $500 nonrefundable reservation fee. Spots 3-6 require a $400 non-refundable reservation fee. )
I'm ready to reserve my puppy, what do I do?
First, you need to fill out the puppy application, if you haven't already. Then you will need to fill out the Reservation Agreement. The password to the Reservation Agreement page is: reserve. Then once you've filled out the reservation agreement you can send your reservation fee via Venmo. Go to the How To Reserve page for more Info.
Do you have a puppy contract?
Yes! If you'd like to see the puppy contract before buying your puppy, you can email us at Bubblingspringspuppies@gmail.com or use our Contact Form.